Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More pics

Here is the graduate! We are so proud of you Chels. Roosevelt highschool class of 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chelsey's graduation

Chels graduated from high school yesterday! We started off the day with a funeral catering(what was I thinking) I think I was more nervous than Chels was. I tend to worry about thing's like what if we can't find parking where are we going to sit thing's like that. Needless to say we found parking and everything went great and we are so proud of our oldest daughter. Here are some pics from the graduation.

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's been a while

I haven't had a chance to update my blog we are in the middle of moving and packing with five kid's and keeping the businesses running is not an easy task. The kid's are excited tomorrow is May Day and Kell and Sher are excited that there baby brother is coming to watch them perform they have been practicing for weeks now and are very proud of themselves. Sonny is going to Ice Palace for his annual class field trip and is excited to go and play games no skating for that boy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another day with a grouchy baby!

Yesterday we picked up Sonny's friend and took them to the movies for Sonny's birthday. The last movie we saw was Twilight back in November when I was still pregnant with Joey. I think Joey did pretty good in the movie he was not feeling well because he had his shot's so he fussed a little bit but eventually fell asleep so I did get to watch most of the movie. Sonny and his friend along with the rest of the kiddos enjoyed the movie.  We took Sonny's friend home and then took the grouchy baby home where he could rest. He slept for a while woke up and entertained all of us by rolling over from his back to his stomach and basked in the glory of everyone clapping for him. He has rolled over 3 times so far but he hates being on his stomach so once he gets over he doesn't know what to do, and he looks at you like help me.

We are supposed to be moving but it is going very slowly. I stayed home and played with Joey we read Mr. Browns sounds by Dr. Seuss and attempted to read the Tooth book only to discover that big sis Sher had cut some of the pages out but I'm lucky he's not old enough to realize it yet so I just kept reading what pages were still in the book which weren't that many.

Then we took Chels to meet with the photographer to talk about locations for her senior portraits the photographer was very nice and professional we narrowed it down to 3 locations and are set for Saturday now she just has to pick out outfits to wear which is going to be the most challenging of the entire process. Kell and Sher brought home they're report cards today and they did great they are both great students and just all around great kids. They are so happy to see Joey and play with him as soon as they walk in the door he is lucky he has some great siblings. If they had there way he would never touch his bed.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Joey's 4 month check up

So yesterday was Joey's 4 month check up he is weighing in at a whopping 22.2 lbs and 25 1/2 in. long he is 75th percentile for height and off the chart's for weight there is no percentile for him he is so big. Here is a breakdown of his height and weight so far his birthweight a perfectly reasonable   7 lbs 12 oz. 20 in. long 
1 week 7 lbs 7 and 3/4 oz.
2 weeks 8 lbs 4 and 1/2 oz.
5 weeks 1 day  11 lbs
9 weeks 1 day 14 lbs 12 oz. 23 3/4 in. long
17 weeks 1 day 22 lbs 2 oz. 25 1/2 in. long
This boy is BIG! bigger than all his siblings were at that age he got 4 vaccinations but he was so brave! especially since he had Daddy, biggest sis Chels, and Mommy holding his hand's rubbing his head and trying to soothe him all at the same time. He was so happy when we got there smiling and laughing when the nurse started snapping her finger's at him (maybe to check his hearing?) while he was butt naked on the scale the little flirt. He laughed and talked to the Dr. as he checked him over kept trying to turn his head and look at what the Dr. was doing when he was trying to look in his ear.

Sonny's thirteenth birthday

Today is my oldest son's birthday but with hubby being sick Joey having gotten his shot's yesterday it was hard to get out of the house. The baby fussed and slept most of the day I let him rest as long as I could  and we finally got out of the house around six while Dad stayed home and rested the kiddos and I made the trek to the mall. We went to Gamestop and Sonny picked out a couple of new games for his DS and was happy with his birthday presents. We picked up dinner and a cake for the birthday boy and brought the cranky baby back home where he is in bed and finally sleeping peacefully. Well I have to get to bed soon we are taking the birthday boy and his friend to the movies in the morning for his birthday,it will be Joey's first movie so I'm keeping my finger's crossed that he will sleep through it and not fuss.